Citation number error

I'm using the latest version of FF/Zotero and Word Mac 2011.
When I'm inserting a citation in a word document (and I use e.g. Vancouver style) the citation appears to be as: (1)57 (instead of (1)
If I turn off field function it says...
formatted citation (1), plain citation (1)57.
I do not get where I get the "57" from?
I suppose that it has something to do with the format style used in word but I tried it many times to delete the current format and it also didn't work.
If I copy the text into a new document it also doesn't work.
Btw it's the first time that I have this problem with zotero!
Endnote displays the citation properly in the same document!
I would be very thankful for any ideas!
  • Is this the case for all citations in the document or just one?
    Is it also the case if you input a new citation in new document (rather than copying the document)?

    Do I understand correctly that you're using EndNote and Zotero in the same document? That may certainly cause problems.
  • Yes it is the case for all citations!
    But the number (eg. 57) after the citation (1)57 changes.
    No I dont use Endnote and Zotero in the same document. I just tried if Endnote also appears to have the same problem in this document.
    (saving the word file to .doc doesn't make any changes)

    In a new document Zotero works fine as I am used to but in this certain document I do not get correct citations.
    I deleted the format style of the word document and than it worked fine but only one time. Then I saved the file, opened it again and added a new citation

    First the citation were correct like (before re-opening):
    than I added a new citation in the text before (1) and it changed to

    any idea???
  • Run through step 8 here
    first thing to look for would be citations inserted in tables.
  • It is obvious that the corrupt part in my document is the table (conventional ms word table without any further formation).
    The problem seems to be solvend when I change (ms word mac 2011: table properties) from text surrounding the table to "without" (under "break").
    Then the problem with the wrong formatted citation numbers didn't appear again. Thank you very much for your quick response - zotero team is doing a great job.
    If you like I can still send the file to the zotero support?
  • no, thanks, we're aware of that issue.
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