EndNote Import Errors and mht file open dialogs (Report ID: 93456323)

I used a new clean installation of Zotero Standalone to import records from EndNote. I followed the process for exporting from EndNote and importing into Zotero from http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/importing_records_from_endnote. This process generated a number of errors which have been submitted as Report ID: 93456323.

In addition, the import process generated a large number of file open dialogs for .mht files. It seems that each time the import process encountered an EndNote record having an .mht file attachment the processing triggered a file open dialog. I was able to close all of the dialogs to allow the import process to complete.

Test System: Zotero Standalone version 4.0.9, Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit Service Pack 1
  • What type of errors are these? Do you get actual error messages that pop up (or things that aren't working correctly) or just stuff that appears in the error report. No need to report the latter, the error reports capture a number of things that aren't actual Zotero errors.
  • The error report is just stuff that appears in the error report. I did not receive actual error message pop-ups or observe specific failures. It can probably be ignored. The file open dialogs in the case of .mht attachments is more problematic as that could be very confusing for users.
  • absolutely, that shouldn't happen.
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