Edit citation

I have a question. At footnote I have more books citated. How can I change the books order? Can I do this? or is need to reintroduce that manualy? (I have 4 books at footnote and I need change 3 with 1)
  • There is a ticket to address this issue and give users the ability to reorder items in the multiple sources pane.

    See http://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/1001

    For the time being to reorder citations in a footnote you need to remove them and re-add them. Currently the order for the citations is governed by the order in which you add them to the multiple sources list.
  • I am return with an old question:

    Does anyone know how to sort the order of items cited in a footnote after a certain criterion. It is possible or not yet?
    If so, how to edit the style they use?

  • Citations can be sorted according to the sort criteria specified in the csl:
    at the beginning of the section
    <citation> the csl has a small section <sort>
    if you want citations to be sorted alphabetically by author, for example, you would write:
    <key variable="author"/>

    for general directoins.
  • Thanks adamsmith.

    It works. but I have a problem.

    When I insert the footnote I check the „Keep Sources Sorted”, but when I edit the footnote I have not this option again.

    When edit a reference footnote and add it to at a new source thas isalways put at the and, not in place that I like (alfabetical, for example).

    I gave refresh but nothing its happened.

    What can I do in this case?
  • sorry, no way around that at this time. Zotero just doesn't deal with that very well.
  • And a other problem.

    In my old documents the problem is not revolved.
    I can not reorder the citation.

    Maybe if the option with „Keep Sources Sorted”, is available when I edit citation the problem can be resolved.

    Like I say above I gave refresh but nothing its happened.

  • Thanks, adamsmith. Clear answers for questions I hadn't yet asked.

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