Style Error: [Environmental Geochemistry and Health]

According to the journal's instructions, the citations in the text SHOULD NOT have a comma delimiter between the author and date (see instructions for authors at
  • thanks. Unfortunately this might take a while to fix. Springer claims this is part of a series of journals with identical citation styles, but many others do have the comma there.
  • Thanks. I managed to make myself a working version by editing the Springer SocPsych style, but I have no idea what other code I'd need to change in order to post it for others to use.

    FYI, for this journal, there is also a difference in the author name listings in the bibliography - the existing style lists the first 5 authors followed by ...last author, while this journal wants the first 6 authors followed by et al.
  • not sure what exactly happened, but both of these things are now correct in the style.
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