Ctrl key not showing the collection(s) where an item is located

I have several duplicated items in the 'Duplicted' category and when I try to see in which collection/folder each item is by pressing the Ctrl key with that item selected, Zotero does nothing. Last time I checked it showed you the collection(s)/folder(s) that item was in, is this not functional anymore?

I also tried with random items from 'My library' with the same result: no highlighting whatsoever.

I'm using Zotero v4.0.8.
  • edited July 10, 2013
    For the items in My Library, are they random items or items that you know exist in collections? You can drag an item into a test collection to make sure.

    The feature definitely still works.
  • These are items in my library that I definitely know exist in collections. I've tried both Ctrl keys, Ctrl+Alt, Ctrl+AltGr, nothing works. I'm positive it used to work because I remember using it.
  • What OS?

    And please try with an item that you just dragged to a test collection.
  • edited July 10, 2013
    elementary OS which is based on Ubuntu 12.04.

    Ok, created a new collection called 'test collection', dragged an item into it, moved to 'My library', selected that item and held the Ctrl key. Nothing.
  • edited July 10, 2013
    Dammit, why didn't I think of that? Nitpicking here but, wouldn't it be better if all systems used the same key?

    Now I see it works with items in 'My library', but it doesn't work with items in 'Duplicated' that I know precisely in which collections they are duplicated in. This must be because I can't select only *one* item in 'Duplicated' I tried Ctrl-click, Ctrl+Alt-click, Ctrl+Shift-click but I can't make Zotero select only one item in the 'Duplicated' collection.
  • Nitpicking here but, wouldn't it be better if all systems used the same key?
    It would be, but the standard modified keys do different things on different systems. Windows is actually the outlier, since Option (Mac) and Alt (Linux) are the same and what we actually want to use, but Alt focuses the menu bar on Windows and is therefore unusable. The idea is to avoid a key that's used to do other things, and we can mostly do that on OS X and Linux. We don't want to use Control on OS X because it's used for right-click, and we don't want to use it on Linux (or Windows, but there we don't have a choice) because it's used for multiple selection in the middle pane and also as the beginning of other keyboard shortcuts.
    Now I see it works with items in 'My library', but it doesn't work with items in 'Duplicated' that I know precisely in which collections they are duplicated in. This must be because I can't select only *one* item in 'Duplicated' I tried Ctrl-click, Ctrl+Alt-click, Ctrl+Shift-click but I can't make Zotero select only one item in the Duplicated' collection.
    I think that's fixed for 4.0.9. You can test with the latest 4.0 Branch dev XPI if you want.
  • Thanks Dan, I'll just wait for 4.0.9 and report back if it's still not working.

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