Chicago Manual of Style; Formatting of memorandum

When citing a memo in Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), the general rule is to treat it like other personal communications and to include the citation in text. However, in some cases, it can be included as a footnote, endnote, or bibliography. When I use Zotero to cite a memo (using CMOS Author-Date, with a bibliography), I get the following in-text citation, which looks fine: (Smith 2011)

And the following bibliographic listing:

Smith, JohnMemorandum to Kari Zimmerman. 2011. “Nomenclature Derivatives for a New Economy”. Memorandum.

Here are a few issues: 1) The lack of a space before the first word memorandum; 2) The fact that the word memorandum appears twice; 3) The date includes only the year, not the month and day.

I think the bibliographic listing should be more like this:

John Smith to Kari Zimmerman, memorandum, December 21, 2011. “Nomenclature Derivatives for a New Economy”.

OR (if it is to appear in alphabetical order by last name):

Smith, John to Kari Zimmerman, memorandum, December 21, 2011. “Nomenclature Derivatives for a New Economy”.

This is based on what I found on this page (


(N) 1. President Judith I. Bailey to Ms. Darlene Pierce, memorandum, October 10, 1999, Office of the President, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0201-01, 2/3, 12-01-03.

(T) In a memorandum dated October 10, 1999, President Bailey advised Darlene Pierce, Dean of Academic Information Services...

Note, though, that the above example shows the case for only a note (N) citation or an in-text (T) citation, not a bibliographic citation.

Would it be possible to get the CMOS style for letters/memos to be changed so that it addresses the three issues I mention above?
  • The style is now fixed.
    It produces
    Smith, John. Memorandum to Kari Zimmerman. 2011. “Nomenclature Derivatives for a New Economy,” December 21.

    which is in line with the way CMoS handles letters ("When it is necessary to include a single letter in a bibliography, it is listed under the writer’s name only." 14.177) and the fact that it only ever lists a year for in text citation (see e.g. the treatment of publication dates for Newspapers and Magazines, CMoS 15.47)

    The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins (check the timestamp). Update your copy of the style by re-installing it from the repository. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)

    Styles should also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
    In an existing document, you may have to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect once the style is updated.
    Any further problems please let us know.
  • Thank you, adamsmith, for fixing this issue!

    With the new style, I get the following:

    Smith, John. Memorandum to Kari Zimmerman. “Nomenclature Derivatives for a New Economy.” Memorandum, December 21, 2011.

    This is slightly different than what you were showing, but it works for me!
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