Index Medicus abbreviations without periods?

Is there a way to turn of the use of periods for Index Medicus journal name abbreviations? E.g. J Clin Invest instead of J. Clin. Invest.

EDIT: Hmm, I just saw that another style doesn´t do that. I was using "Blood" style. I looked into the CSL and did not see which setting causes the period for abbreviations. In case somebody knows, please tell me. Thanks.

EDIT2: Ok, so the setting
for the container-title is the key. Seems like the default is "false", that´s why I could not find this setting.

Sorry for asking. But maybe this will help somebody to find the solution faster than I did.
  • Some manuscript style sheets require journal abbreviations with periods and others require them without. This is why there are so many Zotero styles with only small differences.
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