bibliography formatting in Word

I don't have my bibliography set up yet in my word document, but when I add a new citation it automatically adds the bibliography at the end of the paragraph and then everything becomes misaligned and I have to keep "undoing" until the bibio is gone. I still have a lot of references to cite, so I don't know how to make this not happen each additional citation.
  • press alt+F9 in word to show field codes. It sounds like there is a corrupted bibliography field in your document. Find and delete it.
  • I was also experiencing this exact problem after copying in some other text that already had a couple of Zotero references included. Pressing alt+F9 showed me what I assume to be the 'field codes', and I noticed that in the copied text, where I had had one citation but deleted it, now read something like 'add in Zotero bibliography'. Once I deleted that I was able to insert citations and a bibliography normally.

    These forums are very helpful to have, thank you!
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