Changing item type

I have searched the forum and haven't found this request yet, so sorry if it is already here.

Sometimes, the browser plugin detects the wrong item type (book, journal...). Although you can change the type afterwards, some fiels get erased because they don't match with any field in the correct type, although there are equivalent fields.

I believe it would be a good idea to implement a "matching" option which allows you to set an equivalence between fields in different types.

In my case, I normally use books and journal articles. The number of pages in a book (i.e. 367 pages) and the page number in a journal article (i.e. pages 58-63) would be equivalent because, although they don't mean the same, the information the plugin collects refers to that field. However, when I change the item type, page information gets deleted.
  • I believe it would be a good idea to implement a "matching" option which allows you to set an equivalence between fields in different types.
    This already happens automatically for equivalent fields, even with different names. It doesn't happen for your example, though, and you're right that that might be a good idea for "Pages" and "# of Pages". I'm not sure there are too many other such fields, though.
  • I like mapping page and page # on switching item types. Only downside I can think of is when going from a book chapter to a book - you wouldn't want the page range in the # of Pages field.
  • So keep it except when switching between those two types?
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