"Journal Article" and "Magazine" should have field "Publisher"

"Journal Article" should have field "Publisher" to aid in finding the appropriate publication. For example "Think" as a magazine or Journal has been published by several publishers.

I'm guessing that this would really correlate with the ISBN number for a "Journal Article". But the ISBN is a computer code, not really a user friendly annotation.

I'm guessing this would have to wait for a release where you refactor the database since it would involve adding a field.
  • on the list:
  • edited May 29, 2013

    I did try looking in the forums, then checked:


    I didn't realize that there was another issue list:


    I promise to check both next time...
  • that list only refers to changes in item types and fields
  • edited May 29, 2013
    I know this getting off the topic of this thread, but couldn't/shouldn't these two lists be on:


    I'd put them up at the top and state:

    "Before reporting a problem please check the following lists for known issues:

    * For suggested changes in type and fields.


    * Otherwise

  • These are mainly internal issue trackers - as soon as we start linking to them on the reporting bugs page, people will start using the issue tracker to report what they think are bugs (yes, even if you explicitly write not to do that). We'd also get people to add things to those tickets that don't belong there - regular users are - quite understandably - not very good at telling whether a behavior they're seeing belongs to an issue described on a ticket.

    Since we very much want to keep those types of conversations off the github tracker (and keep them on the forum) we'd rather tell people something is a known bug a couple of time here than invest the time in moderating the github tickets. (With very few exceptions, all issues on github are also mentioned and in many cases discussed on the forum).

    Requests for field and item changes are not bug reports. There's a pinned thread that contains much of the relevant discussion on that topic at the top of the forum.
  • A typical Zotero user should never need to look through issues on GitHub (partly because we don't want them posting their issues there). Most issues on GitHub have very little background and are discussed on the forums. We don't want people spending 2 hours looking if their problem has been mentioned before. We do want them to do a preliminary search, which should not take more than 10 mins and if nothing is found, then they should post to the forums and we will direct them to the right resources.
  • We do want them to do a preliminary search, which should not take more than 10 mins and if nothing is found,
    yes, this very much. If anything I'd say 10mins is a lot.
    As I've mentioned before, the only exception to that are feature requests where I encourage people to spend a good amount of time looking, since most things conceivable as features have been discussed before.
  • Don't know sqaut at gitHub.

    Isn't there some way to let the public view, but only select users add to the issues?

    This would mean that you'd have to "approve" members who could make additions, but that would be better than having idiots like me clog github database with issues.

    In the documentation you could say that adding issues is for developers only. Think you should be able to use email address to invite folks that you trust also...
  • Isn't there some way to let the public view, but only select users add to the issues?
    AFAIK that's not possible for public repos, no.
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