German OpenURL link resolvers (please help)

Hello, I work for OCLC and we are trying to update our registry to include all of the link resolvers for Germany Academic libraries. We have a lot, but we need quite a few more. It would be very helpful if someone could point me in the right direction on where to find them. Other threads on zotero have been very helpful, but I have about 500 that I need to find while the links provided on other threads have only gotten me to about 80.

Is there a database other than WorldCat that I can use?

How do I use the Locate function on Zotero?
  • I guess source URL's might be a better name of what I am looking for.

    Like this one is for the university of Augsburg.
  • Zotero needs a link resolver entered in order for the locate button to work with anything but worldcat. We don't have any special insight into resolvers from Germany - I'd suggest asking on a German academic librarian listserv or at least code4lib or web4lib
  • Adam, thank you for your comment. How did this person find these link resolvers?
  • She provides two links - one to GBV and one now defunct - but maybe traceable via way-back-machine. I assume there.
  • the other link is now here:
  • Thank you
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