word extension

I am using zotero-standalone and receiving the following error as I wanna use word extension:

zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.

can any one help?
  • try reinstalling Word component from the Cite tab of the Zotero preferences.
    Which version of Zotero? Word? OS?
  • I have a similar problem i installed word 2011 (german) for mac. I installed zotero for safari - which works fine, but the word pug-in doesn 't work anymore. what to do?
    with the old version of word i had no problems at all...
  • Let's keep these separate issues, solutions may look quite different. Start a new thread. The first step would be to try to re-install Word components from the Cite tab of the Zotero preferences.
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