Error retrieving metadata

I am getting a message "An unexpected error occurred" when retrieving metadata. Can't quite see any pattern when this happens - for some files, the metadata data is retrieve without any problems. For others, I get this message - when trying this for single files, as well as for multiple files at a time. It is not an issue of getting blocked by Google. For some files, I could get the metadata even after the message was displayed with other files that I tried before. Thanks for any suggestions.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for a metadata retrieval step that triggers this error?
  • The Debug ID is D191742086.
  • You were getting a 503 Service Unavailable from Google—meaning, likely, that you were indeed just blocked. We should be able to detect that and display the usual warning.
  • Thanks Dan. But I am not quite sure. As I said in the first post - for some files, I am able to get the metadata even when it might have failed in several files just before. As evidence, please refer to Debug ID D1639367461. It pretty long, since I could get a success (the last attempt in the log) after several failures (the one before this). So if Google has blocked my access, how is it that I was able to get the last file through?
  • edited May 10, 2013
    Zotero goes through several steps trying to get metadata. It first tries to find a ISBN or DOI and queries WorldCat and CrossRef respectively. Only then does it search google scholar. So anything that works with DOI/ISBN wouldn't be affected by a google block.
    edit: you should be able to see where data comes from under LIbrary Catalog.
  • The last one had a DOI.
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