Journal of Clinical Microbiology site translator PDF download


When I use firefox to add a zotero entry to zotero standalone, it usually downloads the PDF file of the journal article along with the citation.

It seems however, that the site for the Journal of Clinical Microbiology isn't supported regarding PDF downloads, do you plan on implementing it, or is there another way of doing it? It adds the citation itself without issues.

I used as an example. It is freely accessible.
  • That should be working. It's working for me.

    Does the PDF import if you close Standalone? I.e. can you see it when you open Zotero in Firefox?
  • It does import when I close Standalone. Is there a way I can keep standalone open and import the PDF?

    Also, I imported the PDF with standalone closed. When I reopened standalone again and tried to read the PDF it couldn't find the file. I only needed to choose the file since it already had the correct folder. Is there a way to fix this?

    Thanks for the assistance.
  • When you have Standalone open and you click on the Zotero button in Firefox, what happens? Does the Standalone window pop up, or do you see the Zotero window inside Firefox?
  • Standalone pops up.
  • Can you confirm that you are running the latest Firefox (20.0.1), Zotero for Firefox (4.0.8), and Zotero Standalone (4.0.8)?

    And just to be clear, when Standalone is closed, you import from into Zotero for Firefox. You can then see the PDF and you can open it. When you open Zotero Standalone, you can see the new item, you see the PDF attachment, but you cannot open it?

    If you try opening the PDF attachment too quickly after trying to import, Zotero will not be able to find it because it is still being downloaded, so I just want to make sure that you're giving it enough time.
  • I updated Firefox from 19 to 20 now, and Zotero standalone to 4.0.8. Zotero for firefox was already at 4.0.8.

    It seems to be working fine now, thank you. In future, I will make sure to update before asking.

    Just to answer your questions, I could see the PDF attachment in standalone, but it told me it couldn't find the file. I did check to give it time to download though.

    Thanks for the assistance.
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