Import an Zotero RDF citation with single field author

I'm trying to learn how to import citations using Zotero RDF by exporting existing citations from my libraries.

But I'm having trouble with single field authors.

For example, I have a citation in Zotero with author 'Productivity Commission' in a single field.

However, when I export it and import it again, the imported version uses two fields and has the surname as 'Productivity Commission' and the first name as blank.

Here's the relevant RDF code:

<foaf:surname>Productivity Commission</foaf:surname>

Can I change this code so the author name imports as a single field? If so, how?


  • edited May 1, 2013
    this is a bug, thanks for reporting. This should be exported as
    <foaf:name>Productivity Commission</foaf:name>

    as the Bibliontology RDF does. (I guess this may be the info you're looking for?)
    I'll have to look into why Zotero RDF doesn't export that correctly.
  • OK no worries. Yes that's what I was after. Thanks.
  • I actually got to try that out this morning and it doesn't work for me.

    If I import with your suggested code I just get an empty author field.
  • we've finally fixed this, at least provisionally.

    <foaf:surname>Productivity Commission</foaf:surname>

    will now import as single field. Apologies for taking so long.
  • No worries. Thanks for making the change.
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