unexpected sync error after upgrade to 4.0.6
after upgrading Z-Standalone 4.0.6 I get the error message:
My library
Invalid last sync id ''
when clicking on the red circle next to the green
rotating sync icon.
Sync to the webdav database is reported as being set
up correctly.
Error ID: 962224504
Any suggestions, please?
PS: I also noted that the colors on the tags are not being
imported from my standalone on another computer.
PPS: It seems that Zotero has lost the link to the attachments
during the upgrade as well. Randomly selected pdf attachments cannot be opened
"The attached file could not be found.
It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero."
but the folder "storage" is still in the same place and has not been touched.
Error report:
PAC file installed from http://www.york.ac.uk/proxy.config
[JavaScript Error: "no element found" {file: "http://stefan%2Eweigert%40york%2Eac%2Euk:********@dav.idrivesync.com/zotero/" line: 1}]
after upgrading Z-Standalone 4.0.6 I get the error message:
My library
Invalid last sync id ''
when clicking on the red circle next to the green
rotating sync icon.
Sync to the webdav database is reported as being set
up correctly.
Error ID: 962224504
Any suggestions, please?
PS: I also noted that the colors on the tags are not being
imported from my standalone on another computer.
PPS: It seems that Zotero has lost the link to the attachments
during the upgrade as well. Randomly selected pdf attachments cannot be opened
"The attached file could not be found.
It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero."
but the folder "storage" is still in the same place and has not been touched.
Error report:
PAC file installed from http://www.york.ac.uk/proxy.config
[JavaScript Error: "no element found" {file: "http://stefan%2Eweigert%40york%2Eac%2Euk:********@dav.idrivesync.com/zotero/" line: 1}]
thank you for your helpful suggestions.
Debug ID for syncing problem: D2139069136
Regarding the PPS: the issue seems related to the syncing since
files previously existing on this computer actually do open up; only recent files are missing.
Is there a lastsync.txt file in the 'zotero' directory on your WebDAV server? If so, what's in it?
No, I do not see a file called lastsync.txt in the zotero folder of the WebDav server.
(You can do this in other browsers too, but it's easiest in Firefox. In Chrome, you can go to View -> Developer -> Developer Tools, click on Network, and then load the page. For the top line, under Status, it should say 200 or 404.)
1. Where would I find the lastsync.txt page? I do not seem to have that file on my WebDav repository.
2. Would your Firefox suggestion work with only Zotero standalone installed?
PS: Shall I dare to upgrade from Standalone 4.0.3 to 4.0.8 on the other computer which still works fine?
PPS: Will be able to try your suggestions only next Monday since until then I'll have no access to the computer with Z-4.06 which
fails to sync.
Thanks. Stefan
- loaded the page:
the file is not found in the directory
- box at the bottom (Chrome) says:
Name: /?p=%2Fzotero/lastsync.txt
Method: GET
Status: 200 OK
Type: text/html
Initiator: other
Size: 12.88kb
Does that tell you something?
I'd obviously prefer to upgrade but am confused as to why 4.0.3 and 4.0.6 would simultaneously seem to "not work" and "work", respectively.
Logging in and using http://dav.idrivesync.com/zotero/lastsync.txt
I see:
Name: lastsync.txt
Method: GET
Status: 200 OK
Type: text/plain
Initiator: other
Size: 222B
Any better?! :-)
I'll think about whether we can safely work around this. In the meantime, if you create a lastsync.txt file with a random 30-character alphanumeric string—say, "a984kebnhefw7309fnfo0ekjrhnf2r" (without quotes)—that might persuade Zotero 4.0.8 to work.
you seem to know your stuff - thanks for taking the time to investigate, and the suggested temporary solution which I'll
try on Monday.
I'll follow your advice and contact idrive to inform them that
"the server is claiming that the file exists when it doesn't", and alert them to this discussion.
Thanks again. Never experienced support like this before with any software, paid or free. Great compliments.
1. used the workaround with a lastsync.txt file successfully for a few days; verifying the server under 4.0.8 told me at times about the problem of the non-existing file.
2. Today Idrivesync came back saying that they solved the problem at their end, and indeed, upon verifying server, the problem no longer is mentioned; however, now I get the statement "An uploaded file was not immediately available for download. etc" but all seems to work normally.
All in all: the problem appears to have been solved! Thank you.
The only open question now is the colors of the labels not syncing across from one computer to the next. Will open another thread on that when coming back from a holiday.