surgical endoscopy style

this is the output I get using the "surgical endoscopy" style:
1. Angrisani L, Alkilani M, Basso N, et al. (2001) Laparoscopic Italian experience with the Lap-Band®. Obesity surgery 11:307–310.

However the "surgical endoscopy" instruction for authors clearly states that ALL authors should be mentioned and not only the first three.

How can I change this style? Is there another style that provides me with a citation of all authors?
  • I haven't looked in detail, but try pediatric nephrology - that looks at least very close (technically it will print only up to 20 authors, but that should be OK, right?)
  • surgical endoscopy is now fixed
    The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins (check the timestamp). Update your copy of the style by re-installing it from the repository. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)

    Styles should also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+

    Any further problems please let us know.
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