I can't synchronize or empty the trash

I have many references in the trash (14321). I would like to permanently delete them but I can't (trials never end). Consequently (may be ?) I can't synchronize libraries.
I tried to delete my account to start afresh but I can't because a ther is still a group I own and I can't erase it ("Server Error : Something went wrong processing your request").
What can I do to at this stage?

Thanks for your help
  • edited April 23, 2013
    This doesn't work very well at the moment, but you can select batches of items in your trash and press the Delete key to delete them permanently. If you do that for one or two thousand items at a time you should be able to clear it out.
  • edited April 23, 2013
    The easiest would probably be to empty your trash in chunks of, say, 1000. You can delete individual items from the trash by selecting them and pressing delete
    This will still take a while - so let it run for 5-10mins before giving up.

    edit: so what Dan says.
  • edited April 23, 2013
    Assuming the trashed items are all already on the server, you also might want to sync between each batch so that the server doesn't have to delete 14K items at once.

    If they're not on the server, you should wait to sync until they're all gone (temporarily disabling auto-sync if necessary), since that will take much longer and possibly fail.
  • thank you for the response. I started by removing some references one by one on the server, can not do otherwise, then ten by ten and now I am able to remove larger batches without waiting too much. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel !
    thank you again
  • I'm not totally clear what you mean. We're not saying to delete items from the trash in your online library, if that's what you're doing. We're referring to the trash in the Zotero client.
  • edited April 24, 2013
    My trash in the client is empty... so it's just a problem of sync ?
  • Didn't these start on a client on some computer of yours? You can delete them from the online trash a page at a time if that's your only option, but I assumed you were referring to the client where you first added them.
  • In any case, it looks like this is now resolved on the server, so it seems like you're all set.
  • Yes, everything is back to normal now : trash is empty on client and server and sync is rapid. You can close this discussion.
    thank you very much
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