No Zotero Status Icon Bar

Hi. Windows 7. I have upgraded to Firefox 20.0.1 and in Add-ons manager the Zotero 4.0.5 shows activated. I have redownloaded everything but still the Zotero Status Icon Bar at bottom right does not show. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • same instructions as here:
  • Hey adamsmith, long time no see. I had done that prior to contact Forum. I still, did it yet again, download the Zotero but still the status bar does not show. Something else to try? Thanks.
  • can you open the Zotero preferences from the add-ons?
    can you open Zotero using ctrl+alt+z?
  • ctrl+alt+z!!!!! fantastic, I did not know that. Yes Zotero opens.
    From add-ons I can open Zotero Preferences, yes.
    So why in the world the status bar does not show. However, I don't mind doing ctrl+alt+z all the time.
  • There have been a couple of reports of this - IIRC Simon troubleshooted that at the time, but I'm not sure he ever figured out what went wrong.
    There's a good chance that this will reappear after a restart or the next update or so.
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