Firefox Not Responding CONSTANTLY when I use Zotero

I dread entering online articles in my library because every time I use Zotero (the plug-in) every single click causes the browser to freeze up. Sometimes I get error messages about unresponsive scripts related to Zotero, but most of the time I just get a spinning cursor then a grayed-out screen. The only recourse I have is to wait until whatever is happening finishes processing (or whatever its doing), and it's taking a significant chunk of my time between every tiny action! Like, between typing Author First Name and Last Name, it freezes, and again when I click on Website Title, then Date, etc.

It happens on both my desktop and my laptop (both Windows Vista).

Does anyone know what directions I should be looking in for solutions? Size of library? sync settings? scripts? (today I got an unresponsive chrome/zotero script even though I'm using Firefox and haven't opened chrome).

  • How many items are in your library? Provide both the number for top-level items (i.e. with all items collapsed) and total number of items:

    ("Chrome" is a Firefox protocol that Zotero uses. It has nothing to do with the browser of the same name).
  • 3276 items
    7613 items including child attachments

    Thanks for explaining the "chrome" thing--I thought that would have been weird.
  • definitely not the library size then, people have _much_ larger libraries with no delays whatsoever.

    Provide a debug ID that covers any type of simple operation that hangs Firefox/Zotero (e.g. editing/inserting an author name).
  • Still having the same problem, though now the desktop has been upgraded to Windows 7 (still Vista on the laptop).

    Report ID: 2025969623

    Not sure if that captured what's happening, but I've been trying to download citations from a library database and get the spinning blue cursor all the time. Not able to use any other Firefox tabs or do anything in Zotero until they unfreeze. The only to extensions I have (other than Zotero) are Evernote Web Clipper and Clearly.

    Appreciate any help you can offer!
  • That's a Report ID. For performance issues we need a Debug ID.
  • Sorry about that, here's the right one:

    The Debug ID is D1707958793

    It definitely acts up more when it's set to sync automatically (constantly), but it still freezes regularly with it off.

    Thanks for any ideas you can give me!
  • There's a huge amount of output in there. Can you provide a Debug ID for a single slow action, with auto-sync disabled?
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