GUI fail

When displaying library results with a filter (i.e., when only matches to search bar terms are displayed in the main window), assigning tags to items fails to produce the corresponding new colored swatch next the title of the item.

Even when removing the filter, the swatch is still not visible.

This occurs both when assigning by number and by dragging item onto tag.

The tag was successfully applied, and can be seen in the 'tags' tab for the item.

When another tag is assigned to the item (as long as there is no filtering), this will cause the missing swatch to appear.

I notice a short slowdown in Zotero GUI responsiveness when assigning tags while results are filtered, and see a spike in Zoter CPU usage for several seconds.

Similar performance when trying to remove tags while results are filtered. The swatches don't display, even when filter is removed.

Thanks to all the devs who make Zotero possible!

  • edited April 17, 2013
    Same as this, right? If so, you can post further details there and I'll delete this thread.
  • Fixed for 4.0.6. Thanks.

    (The slowness of assigning/removing tags in a filtered search is a separate issue, though obviously one that would be good to fix.)
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