In-text citations incorrect

Hello -
I'm doing a PhD, so have a huge number of references in each document. When adding a Harvard citation into the text, the citation includes the first name of the author: (Keith Pringle, 2010); instead of the correct (Pringle, 2010). I'm not sure how to alter this without changing each citation separately.

The style guides only show the differences in bibliographic style, not any changes to in-text citations.

I run Zotero's latest version, using Word on a Mac usually (but not exclusively).
Any suggestions would be most welcome.
  • edited April 17, 2013
    This is the effect of disambiguation, but at least some of the expanded cites you see may be due to a processor bug that adds names more aggressively than desired. I have just completed some fixes to address the bug.

    Please install this plugin and see if you get better results. (All it will do is swap the revised processor for the one that shipped with Zotero. You can uninstall it after the next Zotero release comes out.)
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