Bookmarklet on iPad

As all sources that work with ordinary Firefox Zotero do not work with the Bookmarklet on iPad, how does one go about to get them to do so?
  • edited April 15, 2013
    The bookmarklet in iPad should place the item in your library. If that is not what you are getting, please provide more details. Do you have a account? What references do not work (the exact url)? What steps did you take in your attempt to upload your item? Are you certain that you correctly set-up the bookmarklet connection on your iPad as a bookmarked link?

    I use the iPad bookmarklet frequently. My only problem is that the items go to my large library (not to a collection) and I must resort the library to find the recently added items. But that is a different issue.
  • if you get a translator error with the bookmarklet or can't work with a specific site, we'd need to know which.
    The Bookmarklet works with other sites on the iPad I use. And the site I mention above works with Zotero Firefox.
  • Not all sites work with the bookmarklet. In those cases there isn't anything you can do as of now. If the site works in Firefox but not the bookmarklet we're generally aware of it, so no need to report.
    The list of supported sites is growing but it's possible we might not be able to get this one to work.
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