Zotero Integration Error. Zotero could not load the component required to.....


When I try to do anything with Zotero in a word document (i.e. click on any of the Zotero icons in my Add-In field) I get a error message entitled 'Zotero Integration Error' which says ' Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again'.

I'm not very computer savy, but I do know I'm using

Zotero 4.0.4
Zotero Word for Windows Integration 3.1.12
Firefox 20
Windows 7 (I'm pretty sure!)

I'd really appreciate it anyone could help. I've written a large document, formatted the references as numbers, and now I can't access the references.

Thanks in advance!
Laura :-)
  • First, try restarting your computer.
    If that doesn't help, close Word and try "Re-insall Word component" from the "Cite" tab of the Zotero preferences.

    If that doesn't help, trigger that error again and provide an error report ID as described here: http://www.zotero.org/support/reporting_bugs#provide_a_report_id please.
  • Hi Adam,

    Thanks a million for getting back to me. I tried restarting the computer numerous times to no avail. There's no option to "Re-install word component" under the "Cite" tab my my Zotero preferences.The only option is to tick a box for "Use classic Add Citation dialog", or chose to "Get word processor plug-ins". I already had the required plugs in because I've been using Zotero without any problems for the last two years. Could it be that they have somehow been lost though and need to be reinstalled? I'm really worried about losing citations from documentations that I've already created if I install more stuff.

    Thanks for your help,
  • Adam!

    I reinstalled the word processor plug-in and it's working now! I did this yesterday too though and it made no difference. Either way, it doesn't matter because it's working now!

    Thanks a million for your help!
    Best regards,
    Laura :-)
  • Hi,

    I'm afraid the exact same problem is back again :(. I'm guessing there's something else wrong as I haven't changed anything about my laptop since the problem occurred and was fixed the last time. It's the exact same problem and error message. I sent an error report with I.D. 968061149.

    I really appreciate any help as this is driving me bananas!

  • @Simon - could you look at the error report ID?

    @Laura - I take it you've tried re-installing and restarting?
  • Was this "word integration error" ever solved?
    I am having the same error:

    "Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again."

    and it has not been solved by re-installing and re-starting.
    Any updates or solutions?
  • I'm having the same problem.
    It began immediately after my Firefox browser was updated.
    How do I proceed?
  • reutush: We'll need a Report ID.
  • 783257176.

    Report ID for the same problem. "Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again"

    Need some immediate assistance. Please help. Thanks
  • ksoota: It looks like you have at least non-Zotero Firefox extension installed that's throwing some errors, but since it doesn't seem to be installed like a typical Firefox extension, it may be difficult to disable. See if you can disable it in Firefox->Add-ons. If that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox (make sure not to delete user data when you do so).
  • Hi Simon. Other Non-zotero extensions are disabled already. If I uninstall Firefox, wont I lose all my data and references?
  • There are error messages in your report from something called "websitelogon," which is not a part of Firefox or Zotero. I can't tell you how it's getting loaded into Firefox from the error report, and there's no guarantee that reinstalling Firefox would get rid of it, but it's worth a try.

    The Firefox uninstaller has an option labeled "Remove my Firefox personal data and customizations," which is (I believe) unchecked by default. Unless you check this, your Firefox profile (including your history, bookmarks, and references in Zotero) will be left intact, and should show up again upon reinstalling Firefox. Of course, it's always best to keep a backup of your data.
  • I uninstalled and then re installed firefox. Also downloaded zotero standalone. Working fine for now. I dont know if it will remain that way or not. But thanks for help. If it arises again, i'll let you know. thanks
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