Webdav sync (JungleDisk) does not work with local disk since 4.03 !
ID : 221402097
Since the update 4.03 of the standalone, I can't sync with my local disk.
With Webdav JungleDisk, we cannot use a password for syncing the local storage.
Look here : http://support.jungledisk.com/entries/47820-Using-Jungle-Disk-with-Zotero
But with your last update, Zotero need absolutely one.
Coud you please restore the possibility to let this settings blank ?
Since the update 4.03 of the standalone, I can't sync with my local disk.
With Webdav JungleDisk, we cannot use a password for syncing the local storage.
Look here : http://support.jungledisk.com/entries/47820-Using-Jungle-Disk-with-Zotero
But with your last update, Zotero need absolutely one.
Coud you please restore the possibility to let this settings blank ?
After several try, it is possible to enter the main ID/PWD