ErrorID: 383907455 and ErrorID: 1250971169

Hello All!

During the time I attempted to merge duplicates is when the first error occurred (ErrorID: 383907455). As far as I can tell the two items have been merged before, Firefox froze and had to be restarted. After a second fail-attempt I stopped.

Could this procedure cause additional duplicates?

Serveral days later I tried to merge again (to reproduce and explain the error better) ... Firefox did not freeze this time but showed a new entry in the error-log. I have submitted this as well (ErrorID: 1250971169).

Can somebody tell me what went wrong?

Thanx a lot.
  • First, you should upgrade to 4.0.4.

    Beyond that, I'm not totally sure what you're asking. Are you experiencing a problem now? Unless you can reproduce a problem, there's not really anything we can help you with. The error log isn't meaningful on its own—lots of stuff gets logged there that doesn't have to do with Zotero or doesn't indicate a serious problem.
  • edited April 9, 2013
    Also, your original report was with Zotero 3.0.14, so errors in there generally aren't relevant now that 4.0 is out.
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