Not downloading pdf from ScienceDirect and AIP

I am using Zotero standalone 4.0.3 and Zotero Connector in Chrome. I use a proxy via my university
I have the option to download the pdf to my harddrive (directly to dropbox is freaking brilliant!)
My problem is that when I try to download from Sciencedirect or AIP, don't get the pdf. I do get the entry in zotero, but only a snapshot.

Is there a solution to this?

  • please post sample URLs as you see them
  • edited April 7, 2013
    sorry, both sites won't attach PDFs from the connectors (if you care about the technical details: PDF attachments from different domains aren't possible via the connectors because of security restrictions).

    Both will work with Firefox.
  • is this something that can be fixed in the future Zotero update or is it an inherent issue with how how Chrome manages security with extensions (but not Firefox)?
  • What I write above isn't 100% accurate - PDFs from these sites aren't possible to download with connectors when a proxy is used.
    On campus or via VPN they should work (and do for me).
    That's also the case when you use Firefox in connector mode, i.e. with Standalone open, so this isn't a difference between Chrome and Firefox, but rather due to the fact that Zotero can handle proxies in a more sophisticated way in the Firefox add-on than in the connectors.

    Improving proxy handling in the connectors is generally planned, but my understanding is that it's pretty substantial - it wouldn't just be a "fix" but the addition of the entire proxy redirection functionality to the connectors.
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