Original vs. Actual Publication Dates (Helpful for Historians)

I love zotero and all the hard work you have put in to develop so many great features!

I noticed that the largest group of zotero users is historians and I had a suggestion that might help many people. Often with Google books and Haithi Trust among other sites, one has amazing access to 18th and 19th century texts. Very often the 1st editions are not available, but the date the text was originally published is much more historically important than the date of later editions (which is obviously important for citation purposes).

I was wondering if a "Date of 1st Edition" or "Original Publication Date" box under the "Date" box might be possible - just as one can add a second author or editor under the first author. For citation purposes, the translators could just cite the actual date for the edition one has, but for display purposes in zotero's center pane and on timeline, one could perhaps have an option to view by original date (or view the original date in an additional column).

Right now I am just entering original publication dates in notes or abstracts to remind myself, but I've noticed I'm doing it a lot.

  • (and we completely agree it's important, there are just technical reasons that make this and all other changes to item types a _lot_ more difficult than it may appear.)
  • Hi there. This always annoyed me about what is generally a great product too. I am constantly referencing books that have been re-released at a much later date. It's always a bit awkward when you have a (Plato 2008) reference in your text. :)

    I wrote up a short guide on how to include references that include the two dates, such as (Benjamin [1936] 2008), using the current version (v4.0.4) of the Zotero plugin for Firefox. Here it is:

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