Translator for Joomla 1.7
I'm just looking for a translator that let me capture metadata from a web site developed on Joomla 1.7. At present I can capture some metadata from any web page thanks the basic way that Zotero gives me, but I would like to know if there's a way to make metadata available from web site developed om Joomla could be captured by Zotero.
Thankss a lot :)
I'm just looking for a translator that let me capture metadata from a web site developed on Joomla 1.7. At present I can capture some metadata from any web page thanks the basic way that Zotero gives me, but I would like to know if there's a way to make metadata available from web site developed om Joomla could be captured by Zotero.
Thankss a lot :)
adamsmithmy guess would be that Joomla is too flexible to allow for a translator that covers joomla sites generally. Anything in particular you're looking at?
moniquepaezI'm looking for an extension for joomla or Zotero, so that I could make joomla websites compatible to this add-on of Firefox.