Page or column

How can introduce at "info" for my book, a ancien source, (Patrologiae Cursus Completus - colection) "column" not "page" number, for create my bibliography?
That remarc is avaible for the "dictionary entry" (Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, etc.)
Can help me?

  • If you are using the word plugin you can click on the "page" drop down menu and select "column."
  • Thanks Tjowens!
    I use "INTER" style. I try at footnotes, but does not appear just column number (123B), not and the explanation "col." like col. 123B.
    When a generate Bibliography with the same style, appear pp. 123-145 not col. 123-145.
    What style can use for resolve my problem?
  • The APA and MHRA styles should add a column abbreviation. In the next Zotero release, 1.0.4, the Chicago Author-Date dev style should as well.
  • Thanks Tjowens!
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