Automatically attach... when...


Could someone please give an explanation of what the "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items" option does? What's the definition of "associated PDFs"? Is this limited to specific sites?


  • Sorry, the description could probably be clearer. This refers to items saved via the button in the URL bar, i.e. with site translators. For example, if this is checked, saving an item from JSTOR will also cause the PDF version of the article to be downloaded as an attachment.
  • Ah OK thanks Dan. This automatic PDF download (and automatic renaming of said PDF, as discussed in another thread) would be a useful additional feature on sites that don't yet have translators, such as
  • As of beta 3 we now have a translator for Nature. Even better, Zotero
    supports the download of associated PDFs from Nature. We should have the documentation updated with the new translators later today.
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