[dutch] Leidraad voor juridische auteurs (trans.: main dutch legal reference system)

Hi to all,

Today I'm going to start to build a new citation style called 'Leidraad'. This is the main Dutch legal reference system at this moment.

The source document is the description by Kluwer, which can be found on this website: http://www.kluwer.nl/overkluwer/images/multimedia/pdf/Leidraad-juridisch.pdf

This citation-style knows 3 forms:
A. as note
B. as biblography
(C.) in-line text

The citation-style-document says it is allowed to use in-line citation, but this is depreciated for long texts. Since most of the use will be for long texts or in academic context I want to focus on creating a working stylesheet on A and B first; and perhaps in the future also for C.

A typical footnote according to the Leidraad would be:
Snijder, Klaasen & Meijer 2011, p. 1-623

A typical biblography citation would look like this:
Snijder, Klaasen & Meijer, 2011
H.J. Snijders, C.J.M. Klaassen & G.J. Meijer, Nederlands burgerlijk procesrecht, Deventer: Kluwer 2011.

A typical in-line citation would look like this:
[...according to] Snijder, Klaasen & Meijer (2011, p. 1-623) [it is...]

The citation-style-document says it is NOT allowed to refer to an earlier citation.

The bibliography should be sorted on the familyname of the first author that was mentioned on the title-page or cover of the book. So the author 'van Eemeren' should be sorted under E and not under V.

If there is somebody that is good with making stylesheets and willing to help, please contact me!
  • sounds excellent. I don't have the time to help you write this, but if you encounter any problems collect them and post here and I'll be happy to help. When asking for help, always post a current version of your csl somewhere easily accessible, e.g. as a public gist on gist.github.com
  • So, after a long while, here is v.0.01.

    This version works correct for anything that has an author, editor or editorial-director. The 'Leidraad' stylebook says that all other references (including: bill, legal_case, legislation) must be cited in a footnote but may not be in the bibliography. I didn't found out how to get that working.

    Can anyone help me with that?

    Below a link to my work sofar. It validated successful on http://simonster.github.io/csl-validator.js/

  • answering here: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/32204/some-references-only-noted-as-footnotes/#Item_0
  • Okay...

    This is a final pre-publication, or the RELEASE CANDIDATE 1


    It validated successful on http://simonster.github.io/csl-validator.js/

    If this is okay, I would like instructions how to get this implemented as: http://www.zotero.org/styles/leidraad

    Thanks for you help sofar! This is a nearly perfect implementation of the Leidraad style. It only misses:
    - Headers above the bibliography-sections 'Books' and 'Case Law'
    - The 'rest' section (basicly anything that does not have an author) shouldn't be there at all, those items should only be there as short reference (footnote). Users are noted to this with a large error-message telling them to remove it after they finished creating the document.
    As discussed in other topics here on the forum that is a wish to implent later on.

    This is a version for working with footnotes and a bibliography. Next step is to create a 'derived' version for working with endnotes. The endnotes are the same as the bibliography, so I guess the trick is to put the 'bibliography' code in the cs:citation element (instead of it's current code).
  • If there are any dutchies here, here is some JSON-code. You can use that with the Visual Editor to see the reference-style in action.

    1. Go to: http://editor.citationstyles.org/visualEditor/
    2. Click on: Example citations
    3. Click on the pull-down tab 'Advanced'
    4. Copy-paste the code below into the text box
    5. Click on 'add new reference'
    6. Select the typical 'dutch' references
    7. Watch and enjoy the magic

    "id": 5,
    "type": "legal_case",
    "title": "Pikmeer I",
    "container-title": "NJ",
    "authority": "HR",
    "volume": "1995, 513, m.nt. 'tH",
    "number": "LJN ZD0429",
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
    "id": 1,
    "type": "webpage",
    "title": "Penoza: Penoza II - Aflevering 8",
    "container-title": "Uitzending Gemist",
    "abstract": "Misdaadserie Wegens het achterhouden van bewijsmateriaal, komt Carmen vrij. Op de begrafenis van haar broer, staat ze oog in oog met haar vader.",
    "URL": "http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/afleveringen/1319526",
    "shortTitle": "Penoza",
    "accessed": {
    "date-parts": [
    "id": 3,
    "type": "book",
    "title": "Materieel strafrecht",
    "publisher": "Quint",
    "publisher-place": "Gouda",
    "source": "www.narcis.nl",
    "event-place": "Gouda",
    "URL": "http://repository.uvt.nl/id/ir-uvt-nl:oai:wo.uvt.nl:84081",
    "ISBN": "9038707991",
    "language": "null",
    "author": [
    "family": "Hullu",
    "given": "J. de"
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
    "accessed": {
    "date-parts": [
    "id": 6,
    "type": "legal_case",
    "title": "Pikmeer II",
    "container-title": "NJ",
    "authority": "HR",
    "volume": "NJ 1998, 367, m.nt. JdH",
    "number": "LJN AA9342",
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
    "id": 4,
    "type": "book",
    "title": "Materieel strafrecht: over algemene leerstukken van strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid naar Nederlands recht",
    "publisher": "Kluwer",
    "publisher-place": "Deventer",
    "source": "Open WorldCat",
    "event-place": "Deventer",
    "ISBN": "9789013062649 9013062644",
    "shortTitle": "Materieel strafrecht",
    "language": "Dutch",
    "author": [
    "family": "Hullu",
    "given": "J. de"
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  • This topic can be closed: the first version of the Leidraad voor juridische auteurs is live: http://www.zotero.org/styles/leidraad-voor-juridische-auteurs
  • (actually, I'd keep this thread open for feedback, error reports etc.)
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