import library and doc from firefox plug-in
Have a little issu here and I did not find my answer.
I have installed the standalone on my PC (windows X64) préviously I was using FF plug-in on a portable hardrive install.
I want to transfert files and library to my PC, to I export and try to import... This takes lot of time (around 500 docs and ref, plus notes and so) and I got something like an "unexpected" error. My point is that, what I think I can do is to only import the document, and maybe I can set-up the default path of the document / library to C:\...\... instead of the pevious Z:\...\...
How can I do that in the standalone, of just, how can I import my all library in a "better" way.
Did not sure I make myself clear...
I have installed the standalone on my PC (windows X64) préviously I was using FF plug-in on a portable hardrive install.
I want to transfert files and library to my PC, to I export and try to import... This takes lot of time (around 500 docs and ref, plus notes and so) and I got something like an "unexpected" error. My point is that, what I think I can do is to only import the document, and maybe I can set-up the default path of the document / library to C:\...\... instead of the pevious Z:\...\...
How can I do that in the standalone, of just, how can I import my all library in a "better" way.
Did not sure I make myself clear...
Closed subject for now.
Thank's Dan