italic year-suffix?

I'm trying to create a style for Journal of Experimental Botany but I couldn't manade to get year-suffices italic without having also year in italics. Could anyone help?

The style is here:

For articles in press that have no page numbers the journal name should be in italics (otherwise journal name should be normal) and DOI-number should be added. Is this possible?

  • Lines 78-81, try:
    <date date-parts="year" variable="issued" font-style="normal">
    <date-part name="year" font-style="normal"/>
    <text variable="year-suffix" font-style="italic"/>

    (and same change in cs:bibliography)

    Cf. specs under "disambiguate-add-year-suffix [Step (3)]":
    If set to "true" ("false" is the default), an alphabetic year-suffix is added to ambiguous cites (e.g. "Doe 2007, Doe 2007" becomes "Doe 2007a, Doe 2007b") and to their corresponding bibliographic entries. The assignment of the year-suffixes follows the order of the bibliographies entries, and additional letters are used once "z" is reached ("z", "aa", "ab", ..., "az", "ba", etc.). By default the year-suffix is appended to the cite, and to the first year rendered through cs:date in the bibliographic entry, but its location can be controlled by explicitly rendering the "year-suffix" variable using cs:text. If "year-suffix" is rendered through cs:text in the scope of cs:citation, it is suppressed for cs:bibliography, unless it is also rendered through cs:text in the scope of cs:bibliography, and vice versa.
  • (add it between l. 96-97 in cs:bibliography)
  • Thanks it worked
  • Edit: actually, this is not valid, sorry.
    You've to put <text variable="year-suffix" font-style="italic"/> outside cs:date and add a cs:group, i.e.:
    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <date date-parts="year" variable="issued" font-style="normal">
    <date-part name="year" font-style="normal"/>
    <text variable="year-suffix" font-style="italic"/>


    <text macro="author" suffix="." font-weight="bold"/>
    <group suffix=".">
    <date variable="issued" font-weight="normal" prefix=" ">
    <date-part name="year"/>
    <text variable="year-suffix" font-style="italic"/>
  • ok thanks, done
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