zotero icon in microsoft word 2007 and APA bibliography for 400 pages


I have a new computer (HP) with MSW2007 - and synced my files in my zotero acct through Firefox - though I still don't see the zotero icon when in MSW2007 - like on the old version in the upper left corner.

Also, because much of the bibliography is in disorder now (chapter info has been moved around), I need the fastest way to give 4 chapters an APA bibliography. Can you tell me how to achieve this?
  • On the Word integration issue, you have installed the Zotero Integration plugin for Word into Firefox, yes?

    On the bibliography issue, I'm not quite sure what effect you are after. If you want separate bibliographies for each chapter, copy out each chapter to a separate file, and add a bibliography to each one (after you get Word integration going).
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