Quick Format Citation: size of the prefix/suffix fields
In another thread, Sebastian (adamsmith) wrote:
With the Quick Format Citation dialog, it's not easy to write long sentences. It would be great if the suffix/prefix fields becomes multi-lines at some point. One could say "use the classic view in this case" but that reduces the utility of the Quick Format Citation. Am I alone on this? Could we consider an improvement here?We strongly encourage people to write whole footnotes using prefix and suffix field, so there are definitely many users writing whole sentences into the prefix field
I'm able to switch the fields to multiline but the focus is lost even with panelPrefix.focus(); (actually it's not lost when I invoke it after the switch but then I can't preserve the cursor position).
I'll be happy to persevere but would like to know the developers' opinion on that change (then I would open an issue on github).