Webdav syncing in two simultaneously uploading zoteros

I have a computer in my lab and a laptop with me. I configured a cloudme webdav for file syncing, which should be a recommended protocol for zotero, right?
I simultaneously opened the two zoteros on my two computers, and found that they were both uploading files. My database is about 2GB. I haven't found yet whether the simultaneous uploading would cause any havoc on my database.
Will this make the database conflict? Or this is a right way to even increase the uploading speed?
PS. They are still syncing, the speed is OK.
  • definitely won't cause havoc. You could get a sync conflict (which Zotero would ask you to resolve interactively), but there's also a good chance this will just go through.
  • Thank you Adam!
    I got sync conflict notifications.
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