Internal cross-citations

I was wondering if there is a plug-in or option in Zotero that shows the internal cross-citations I have in my database of references, i.e. some thing similar to PubMed's 'Cited by' but then limited to the articles in my database. I figured this would be quite a handy feature to add if it didn't exist. Something like pressing a button and then having all cited articles in the "Related" tab of each item. Would be automatically compatible with the VUE plugin too.

Apologies if this has been asked before; I've been searching around for any similar questions, but haven't found any.

  • No, Zotero doesn't store "cited by" data and I don't think it's anywhere on the horizon - the one thing is the data model for that on the Zotero side, but it'd also require the right input data and afaik very few sites let you export that type of data.
  • Would it be difficult to add a function which recognises the citation titles in the PDFs stored in the users database? From this a web of citations could be created, given the use has the articles in their entirety, not simply the abstract.
  • Would it be difficult to add a function which recognises the citation titles in the PDFs stored in the users database?
    yes, very difficult and also unreliable. Parsing citation data out of bibliographies never works all that well. If anything, Zotero would have to download the information from the publisher websites where they exist - but that's a huge undertaking, I don't see Zotero going there any time soon.
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