Moving pdf in the library to parent

Sometimes you get a pdf directly from the
a web page outside any parent (Zotero/Save Link As Zotero Item). If you can make the
parent from the metadata, no problem. But when
the parent already exists and metadata do not exist, the only solution is moving the
pdf to the parent, which implies (in my case) dragging it
through a long list (i.e. , the pdf starts by Z and the parent by A).
Why is not there a cut button to just copy to within the parent?
Or, in the parent, have a Add Attachment/Attach Library Item
Or, in Firefox, save the pdf directely within a previously selected parent.

Or may be there is an alternative solution that I have not been able to find.
  • dragging it through a long list
    True. In these cases, I create a temporary collection with the pdf and the parent. Not ideal...
  • I use Zotfile for that: Download the PDF (not adding it to Zotero) into your download folder, then in Zotero with ZotFile installed, select the parent item and do "Attach New File"
    (the first bulleted function described on the page)
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