Editor in the form of Astrup, A. not Arne Astrup

Hi there

I have tried getting the style right for this:

Meyer, C. og Mithril, C. (2010) Den nye nordiske mad. I: Arne Astrup, Susanne Bügel, Jørn Dyerberg, og Steen Stender (red.). Menneskets ernæring. 3. udg. Munksgaard: København. s. 579–591.

I want it to be
Meyer, C. og Mithril, C. (2010) Den nye nordiske mad. I: ASTRUP, A., BÜGEL, S., DYERBERG, J. og STENDER, S. (red.). Menneskets ernæring. 3. udg. Munksgaard: København. s. 579–591.

... except that the names in capital should be just normal style with a capital first letter.

The style is uploaded here: https://gist.github.com/4506592
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