Deleting entire library for a re-import


I have a very large library due to some synching mistakes that I made when I first started using Zotero about 1.5 years ago. The library is about 3 times as large as it should be because of I have duplicates, triplicates, and quadruplicates of content items. I have tried to go through manually to merge these items but it is not possible both for time and processing reasons (my computers hang in Zotero when I try to merge). I also have tags that were imported because I did not set the preferences to not automatically import tags. I would like to get rid of all those tags by doing a reimport with the preferences set correctly.

At this point, I think the easiest solution to this is to delete my current Zotero library and reimport my RIS file(s) from Endnote and Procite making sure to avoid duplications and tags.

To do this, I need to delete all of the items in my library (~ 18000). It appears that I need to select these page by page and delete one page at a time. Is there anyway to just delete all contents at once?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
  • edited January 10, 2013
    Assuming you don't have any unsynced local data in your groups, what you can do is delete your local Zotero database and then do a "Restore to Zotero Server" in the Sync->Reset pane of the empty Zotero client, which will clear your server library. Restore to Zotero Server affects only your personal library, not any groups you're in, so those will be pulled back down when you sync again.

    First, for good measure, make sure you have a backup of your Zotero data directory. Then disable auto-sync from the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences. To delete your database, open your Zotero data directory, close Firefox (for Zotero for Firefox) or Zotero Standalone, delete the zotero.sqlite file, and then restart Zotero, which should be empty. Then do the Restore to Zotero Server.

    You can then reenable auto-sync, though you might want to make sure your import is to your liking first.
  • Thank you very much Dan. This is working well.
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