Make it quicker to 'supress author' in word

This would be a handy feature:

Make the 'supress author' option part of the main 'quick format citation' popup rather than having to go into the individual properties of each reference.

Maybe you could include a checkbox before,after, above or below the citations?
  • The same can be said about pages, prefix, and suffix. Adding these above or below each citation in the quickformat dialog would result in a very convoluted user interface.

    The current way is actually very fast if you use keyboard: Move cursor to the citation, then cmd/ctrl + down, tab, tab, tab, space, enter. Takes less than a second to do once you memorize it.
  • I understand you need to keep the interface clean and simple... but Id much prefer 1 click to moving the cursor and then 7 keystrokes.

    I can imagine a neat looking 'quick format citation' that simply includes a second line with 4 optional fields (supress author, pages, prefix, suffix)
  • (it's currently 2 clicks - like mronkko I find 7 keystrokes faster, but if you prefer the mouse option, that works, too.
    It's always a trade-off, I'm firmly on the side on keeping this simple here, especially as it only applies to author date styles.
  • ok well you guys certainly do seem to know what you're doing.
    thanks for considering anyways.
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