Add ability to choose primary attachment

Is it possible to choose a primary attachment?

If so, how?

If not, can it be added?

The reason I request this is as follows. In math, it can take years from when a preprint comes out to when the paper is finally published. Over this period of time a paper can undergo multiple revisions. Also some journal style files are difficult to read, and I actually prefer reading the preprint. Last, there is also the possibility of having a clean version of the document as well as one or more annotated versions with notes.

All this means I often have multiple versions of a document attached to a single Zotero item. Zotero defaults to the oldest item---which is often exactly what I don't want. It would be nice to be able to choose the primary item, and also to have a way to signify that it is the primary item. Maybe make that item bold.

(Note, I've seen older forum posts suggesting this is a future possibility, but it doesn't seem to have materialized, unless I am missing a setting.)
  • I've seen older forum posts suggesting this is a future possibility, but it doesn't seem to have materialized
    No, there've been no developments on this since those posts.
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