Export abstracts and PDF-links also


at first congratulations - Zotero is a really useful application and a great help in the daily research work.
2 remarks from me:


As I'm working with LaTeX and BibTeX, the export functions are very important for me and what I'm missing in the current version is the export of abstracts and other "extra" data.

The abstract of a Journal Article is saved as a note in the Zotero entry and thus is not exported in RIS or BibTeX... Would it be possible to create a data field "abstract" which then also would be included in the export?


As Zotero can link to local files, I can save a PDF-file on my hard disk for offline use and link it to the Zotero entry.
However, it would be great if this file path could also be exported to BibTeX as the field named "pdf" ( pdf = {C:\files\PDF\filename.pdf} for use in other bibliography software as e. g. JabRef.

I'm looking forward to future versions of Zotero,

Kind regards

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