Automatic tagging of review papers?

I often want to find only review papers in my (very large) library. It appears that PubMed (at least) tags them somehow, because on every PubMed record there's a link that gives me related reviews; and journal websites often flag reviews in some way. Is it feasible to have Zotero use that information to automatically assign a 'Review' tag to review papers? I try to remember to assign such a tag manually, but sometimes I forget. Thanks!
  • Background information:

    If you find an interesting "review" article and it is newly added to PubMed, it may or may not yet have been assigned a publication type. Thus, it will be impossible for Zotero to use the (then) available PubMed metadata as the trigger for that tag.

    There are published studies of the assignment of articles to the review (systematic review) publication type. See the discussion of selection criteria section on the overall Cochrane website. While PubMed indexers get it right most of the time, it seems that there isn't a firm basis for assignment of that publication type.

    All of that said, I like and endorse your idea.
  • edited January 5, 2013
    journal websites often flag reviews in some way
    This is not enough information for translators (the pieces of code that recognise citations on pages) to make a useful stab at determining the status of some item as a review. If Pubmed has a clear and consistent way of tagging items as reviews, and if that tag is available via the same channels as the bibliographic metadata, a translator could presumably be made to recognise that. But we can't expect the translator developers to automagically know whether this is the case and if so what tag the translator should be looking for. Additionally, if different journal websites do this in different ways, this would mean duplicating the effort for every next website.

    I wouldn't get my hopes up, and instead rely on my own intuitions about whether something is a review or not.
  • If you are using just a limited number of websites to get papers, you could modify the existing translators just for you to add the tags that you need. To do this you would of course need to know a little bit of javascript.
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