Got wrong date for Wiley Online Library item

(Should I post this here or in "Troubleshooting"?)

When saving the page below I got the data 1996 instead of 2012:

Newer generation antidepressants for depressive disorders in children and adolescents - The Cochrane Library - Hetrick - Wiley Online Library

This happened right now from latest Chrome and with latest Zotero standalone and updated translators.
  • edited December 21, 2012
    Looks to be an error on Wiley's server. Zotero uses the metadata that Willey supplies through their (which does not seem to be accessible through their website website interface any more)

    You can see that in their BibTeX file, they have year = {1996},
  • Thanks aurimas. I believe you, but I can not find the BiTeX export. Where do you see it?

    BTW, they have a Mendeley icon, but no Zotero icon.
  • For whatever reason BibTeX export does not appear as an option for that book.

    You can get to it from, for instance, this article: (under Export Citation). Essentially, I just changed the DOI (that's how Zotero get's the BibTeX)
  • Regarding the icon, Zotero's URL button or even the bookmarklet are more much more powerful in retrieving metadata from webpages because they can, in most cases, take advantage of your cookies, proxies, and the state of the webpage your are viewing (which does not always have a permanent URL). Especially now that the bookmarklet is available and works well across desktop and mobile browsers, there is really very little reason to have an icon like that displayed on websites.
  • To add some more background to what Aurimas says - Google scholar offered to add a "Zotero" link alongside the other ref manager export options, but Zotero devs declines as it would lead users to use Zotero in a way that's not just inefficient, but actually produces lower quality import (for the reasons provided by Aurimas). Yes, the downside is a loss in publicity, but I think Zotero is doing OK in that respect.
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