Edit the list of new elements

I am a beginner in Zotero.
I'd like to add a new element but I cannot find something in the pretty long list. This is: Study and Study volume (in Hungarian Tanulmány and Tanulmánykötet). Can I edit this list, or can I find somewhere else these elements?
  • No, you can't. How would you cite this?

    Read ajlyon's post here, specifically the 3rd paragraph ("In considering changes to item types...") :
  • Thanks for the answer.
    The citing form is (in case of one-author volume):
    KLANICZAY Tibor, Egyetem és politika a magyar középkorban = K. T., Pallas magyar ivadékai, Bp., Szépirodalmi, 1985, 67–76.

    There is a = sign after the title of the study (in stead of in:)
    There are the monogram of the author if it is a one-author study volume.

    In case of more-author volumes:
    PIRNÁT Antal, A kelet-közép-európai antitrinitarizmus fejlődésének vázlata az 1570-es évek elejéig = Irodalom és ideológia a 16–17. században, szerk. VARJAS Béla, Bp., Akadémiai, 1987 (Memoria Saeculorum Hungariae, 5), 9–59.

    There is "szerk." word (means edit) before the name of the editor of the volume.

    The detailed disciplines of citing is in hungarian:
    5. page
    Thanks, Tamas
  • If I understand correctly, "A kelet-közép-európai antitrinitarizmus fejlődésének vázlata az 1570-es évek elejéig" is the title of a study published in a book: "Irodalom és ideológia a 16–17. században"

    Use "Book Section", "Könyvfejezet" in Hungarian.
    There are the monogram of the author if it is a one-author study volume
    I don't think it's possible to code this condition: you'll have to edit manually once your paper is finished. (related issue.)
  • Many thanks!
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