Extract annotation from pdf doesn't work
I'm usig Zotero with zotfile extension, Windows 7. I've got strange square lettres in my pdf annotations extracted such as that exemple :
"Les phnomnes de base apparaissent travers les tmoignages ou les rminiscences qui nous reportent aux ges les plus "
I tried to annotate with Adobe Reader XI and PDF Xchange Viewer and both results are the same...
Have you got an idea about what problem it can be ?
I'm usig Zotero with zotfile extension, Windows 7. I've got strange square lettres in my pdf annotations extracted such as that exemple :
"Les phnomnes de base apparaissent travers les tmoignages ou les rminiscences qui nous reportent aux ges les plus "
I tried to annotate with Adobe Reader XI and PDF Xchange Viewer and both results are the same...
Have you got an idea about what problem it can be ?
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