Beta 3

First of all - good work, I'm impressed with all the changes. Here are my thoughts:

Tag Selector
Love this but it would be even better if the tag selector appeared below your tags on a note or when an item's tag tab is selected. Then you could add tags to that item/note simply by clicking the tags.

Better keyboard support
I would like to see even more shortcuts. Things like F2 for renaming collections/items and Del for deleting items.

Improved date handling
Desperately requires an option to switch between UK/US date styles.

I haven't had time to check the multiple notes bug yet but I expect that will have been fixed. The only other thing is thanks for all the work and I look forward to seeing even more translators in the future...
  • Thanks for your comments.

    Re: Tag Selector: You may be aware of this, but note that you can drag items (one or multiple) over tags in the Tag Selector to assign tags to those items. (The "Display all tags" checkbox may be necessary here, as it will display tags in gray that don't appear in the current view.) It may be useful to have the Tag Selector elsewhere as well, though. We'll be adding a tutorial and/or screencast for the Tag Selector soon.

    Re: keyboard support: We'll continue to add more keyboard shortcuts in the next release. Del should already work for deleting items, though—Del and Backspace have both been options since the first version of Zotero. Are you referring to something else?

    Re: date handling: This is only a problem for ambiguous dates (e.g. 8/8/06), as Zotero will correctly parse "8 August 2006", "25/6/06", etc. If it's ambiguous, Zotero will use the system locale to determine the order, though Firefox locale would probably be a better choice. We could probably add a pref for people not working on their own computer, etc. As a workaround in the interim, you can always write "8 Aug 2006".
  • You may be aware of this, but note that you can drag items (one or multiple) over tags in the Tag Selector to assign tags to those items.

    Yeah, I figured that out just I find it a lot easier to quickly click through six or so tags in a cluster than expand an item and drag something across to the left half a dozen times. I'd usually want to assign an item to multiple tags rather than multiple items to a single tag. What's more, it would be much easier to tag things like notes in the external window.

    Del should already work for deleting items, though—Del and Backspace have both been options since the first version of Zotero. Are you referring to something else?

    You're right of course - my bad. Of course, the more keyboard shortcuts the better...

    his is only a problem for ambiguous dates (e.g. 8/8/06), as Zotero will correctly parse "8 August 2006", "25/6/06", etc. If it's ambiguous, Zotero will use the system locale to determine the order, though Firefox locale would probably be a better choice.

    Okay great - I didn't realise that. Good work. Can I just check that 2006-08-08 will always be interpreted as YYYY-MM-DD as per ISO standards?
  • OK, we'll look into integrating the tag selector elsewhere in the UI.

    Yes, 2006-08-08 will always be parsed as YYYY-MM-DD.
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