while adding and editing a note the right panel side is sticky and running out of control

I just encounterd a severe problem with adding and editing notes to my zotero entries. This is what I do and encounter:

1. Grab the Bibliographic Entry of a book from the amazon site. (could be any other entry)
2. Klick on the "note"-tab (in German "Notiz") in the right panel side
3. Klick on the "new note" Button
--> a new note is created that shows in the right panel side with some default text like "note without title" (in German: "Notiz ohne Titel) while it shows as empty (no title) in the middle pane as an child item of the bibliographic enty.
4. I can insert now text in the right pane, but the first line does not appear as normaly in the middle panel as item title. And from now on, where ever I click (which ever item in the middle pane) the right panel does not change. I can still insert or delete text in the right panel.
5. I can click on the "edit in new windows" a Window pops up but without the text inserted in the right pane. I can enter new text there.
--> The first line of this text appears as title of the note item. In the moment of this "update" the right panel refreshes and the tab of the parent item appears anew. There now is also displayed the text entered in the pop-up window.
6. As soon as I click on the note in the right pane again the editor with the other text that I entered appear again. I can edit it without influence on the item title and I am locked again regarding clicks on other items. (until I go again for the pop-up window....)

I tried to restart zotero and the whole firefox without any success. I checked the databank integrity with positive result. I re-indexed zotero (which took a while). I also tried to delete the note item but it did appear even than as a ghostly element in the right pane although I did empty the paperbin in zotero.

I work with Zotero 3.0.11 with Firefox 17.0 (don't ask me to update Firefox because only the IT is allowed to do so at work...) and Windows XP.

Anybody any clue how to solve this problem? It is a really annoing program behaviour.

  • I can't replicate that, though maybe someone on Windows should try, too.

    Generally, a report from an up-to-date Firefox version (i.e. 17.0.1) would be better, yes - the .0.x updates are bug/security updates so it'd be in the interest of your IT folks to have that running for you, too. Though I'd be surprised if this is due to the FF version.
  • I played a little bit around with notes and here is the report:
    The Debug ID is D1361925854.

    What I did while this report was created is clicking on some existing note items. Then in the right pane usually nothing was displayed. When I double clicked on the Item the note was opend in a pop-up window. when I typed in the return button after a while the focus in the middle pane changed to the parent item and it was again possible to view other items by clicking them - until clicking on another note item. I tried this several times with differen items.

    Thanks for your help trying to find the reason for the error. I will try to get the IT staff to update the firefox but normally this takes some days until they install via LanDesk the new version... (not having admin control over your own computer sucks)
  • Aha, I found the guilty one: I use the Pencil Plug-In for quick sketching of website-design. I found that plug in in the Debug Report and just deactivated it. This seems to help, and zotero behaves normal.

    Now the big question is: Is it a wrong behavior of Pencil or one of Zotero? For the time beeing I can at least handle the problem by deactivating Pencil when I work with Zotero.
  • The Problem seems definitly one of Pencil. They have fixed an FF17 issue for the standalone version but still not for the FF plugin which is declared compatible up to FF16.

    So I have to wait for an updated plugin or convice my IT to install the standalone on my computer...
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